
Sheikh Safi-Al-Din Carpet

Sheikh Safi-Al-Din Carpet

This extremely graceful masterpiece of art was woven in the 16th century. The carpet, like the one that is preserved in Los Angeles Museum with dimensions of 716×396 cm enjoys woollen pile and silk warp. This example was laboriously wrought in Safavid period in order to carpet Sheikh Safi Al-Din mausoleum. Later in 1892, it was carried to England by Zigler Company. The sixteen-pointed ornamental loop medallion (shamsa) that is crowned with sixteen almond-shape stigmas (kolaleh) stands brilliantly in the heart of the field. Two stylised lamps appear in the upper and lower parts of the medallion resembling the mosque lamps. The golden field of the medallion and the cornerpieces are trimmed with scrolls of islimi bands flanked by cloud band and khatayi motifs. The ground of the kolalehs of the medallion are also covered with the four-islimi motifs, cloud bands and khatayi foliage. The delicate and harmonious scroll of khatayi stems coupled with amazing variety of palmettes illuminate the whole dark blue field of the carpet

Sheikh Safi-Al-Din Carpet

The wide border is formed by armband-like cartouches and is ornamented with islimi and khatayi motifs especially cloud bands. The narrow inner and outer borders adorned with flowering islimis, sinuous khatayi and cloud bands with touches of crimson and cream encompass the wide border

The upper inscription of the carpet bears the weaver’s name and verses composed by the famous poet, Hafiz. The carpet is so delicate and attractive that it has been frequently employed as a model to create other examples

Related Description

Origin: Kashan (Most probably), 1539

Collection: Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Design: Mosque lamp lachack toranj

Knot type: Asymmetric

Dimensions: 1028 x 534 cm

Raj: 45

Knots per 10 cm (width): 69

Knots per 10 cm (length): 75

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